Hola Buddies!!! I hope your day would be great 😉 Now, let me tell you about my self. I'm an 20 y.o girl and you can call me Ine. I'm looked like ordinary girl who want to be extraordinary person haha. I love singing, writing, and reading. I have passion on art but it's only singing for real 😂 and I think I sing too much everyday because I sing everywhere and every time. I love listen to music. Sentimental, city pop, yeah these kinds of music. I'm not confident enough in my real life. Every time I started a new thing, it would be a new challenge to me. But I know. Beside that, it'd be a new chance too. That's how my mind against my unconfident.

In my age now, I'm studying in a college in my city. I'm majoring in accounting. It's not really my passion but I enjoy it. It's not that bad. It's my second year. I don't have much things to tell you about my study, but I have much thoughts about my favorite things.

I have told you about my passion, then I will tell you my interests. I don't think it's different, but It's different. I don't know what I say 😂😂😂

I love flower. You know why? Flower is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Actually it's nature but flower is part of nature, right? So, it's proper that I love nature.

One of parts of nature that I love to is sky. It's not only sky but universe. The lowest layer is blue sky. When I'm looking at the clean sky without any clouds there, sky feels like a blanket. Soft, smooth, and warm. 

Then there is Universe, the top layer. It's dark and have so many magical things. Don't you think that stars, moon, planet, galaxy, comet, asteroid , and every thing in universe is like magic? I think so. You know what? when we're looking at the stars, it means we're looking at the past. 😃 It sounds mind blowing right? hahaha. But I don't want to explain it more. I will go to the next thing.

Sun is a magical thing which we could see directly. We can see the sun in many colors. Red, orange, yellow, and white. My favorite color of the sun is red. It always hypnotize me.

I think it's enough. I didn't know It would be this long for my first writing here. And describe my self is not easy for me 😁 but I hope you enjoy it. I will post more contents in my blog. So, please keep your eyes on me, Buddies... 😊 Thank you... 💗


  1. So, could you tell me what's your favorite song or a song which can touch your heart everytime you listen to?

    1. Emm... I have so many favorite songs, but I suggest you to listen to this song tonight. Fiona Fung - A Little Love. You know my song recommendations are always good, right? Then you should listen to that song.

  2. I hope you can write more story about yourself. Because, you have a lot of uniqueness and all people must to know that xixixi


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